# Get Started
APITut is a beginner's guide to the eBay RESTFul API, jam-packed with full working programs in Go/Golang and Curl designed to get you up and running with the eBay API as quickly as possible.
This guide touches on but doesn't much discuss the earlier APIs.
To use the eBay RESTful API, you must first join the eBay Developers Program. It's free, but they may screen you, so plan ahead and don't assume you can get cracking the first day.
The eBay docs are a little light on this next point, but you must perform an authentication step first. See OAuth Application tokens and OAuth and Application keys
# Examples
News on the latest example code is right here.
# Reference
Reference The eBay RESTful API is huge. Here are quick links to some of the most useful sections along with some outside resources.